TOP: "Rumors"
as Cassie Cooper
BOTTOM: "At The Arches"
as Saccharine
Cheryl Morenc is one who loves to “push the creative envelope”. Peers describe her as a team player and one who possesses organizational skills as well as an outstanding, creative flair. Cheryl loves a challenge and will complete any assignment with passion and perfection. She always goes the extra mile.

Cheryl considered getting her undergraduate degree in Dance. Instead, she “spread her creative wings” and started her own business, CG Design Concepts; where she describes her work as choreographing on paper and/or a computer screen. CG Design Concepts specializes in graphic and web design, and image creation/brand marketing. (Cheryl taught web page design and desktop publishing on a part-time basis at Fullerton College; encouraging her students to “spread their creative wings”. She also brings this creative spirit to the local school districts through her substitute teaching.)

"Barbie & Me"
Cheryl's One-Woman Show
If asked about her acting career, she would probably say that she enjoys the challenge of continually sharpening her skills and, once again, “pushing that creative envelope”. Besides acting experience and formal training, everyday life experiences help her become the natural actor; one with humanity.

Cheryl has gained valuable self-confidence by taking the risk of being herself on stage; an experience that has truly benefitted her as the small business owner. She will gladly share with you that she has never regretted pursuing both careers: actor and executive. She never forgets to count her blessings; what an incredible life she has that allows her two ways to “spread her creative wings”.

Creation, Graphics, Design & Layout by:
CG Design Concepts
Fullerton, CA